Provide benefits and reimburse expenses

Our expenses and benefits tools make it easy to motivate your team by providing frictionless reimbursement for expenses and benefits.

Provide benefits and reimburse expenses

Our Benefits

Quick & Easy

Approve and pay expenses easily with simple clicks.


Establish and implement policies for the creation and approval of expenses.

Stay competitive

Offer outstanding benefits to your employees to remain competitive.

Paperless admin

Say farewell to manual processes and welcome simplicity with open arms.

Expense Reimbursement Made Easy

Improve your expense process

24/7 access

Access your expenses anytime to track their status and reasons for approval or rejection.

Reimburse your expenses

Pay expenses promptly once they are approved. They will be automatically synced to the next pay run.

Expense reports

Generate expense reports, track your spending trends, and enhance your workflow.

Employee benefits & expenses features

Expense Validation
Real-time notifications
Instant reimbursements
Automatic Calculations
Employee Portal
Client expenses
P11D reporting
Payroll benefits
Car and P46 reporting

Streamline your employee benefits

Comprehensive benefits

Offer a comprehensive benefits to your employees.

Report your benefits

At the end of the year, Workmax can assist you in submitting all your benefit P11Ds and calculating the liabilities due.

Payroll benefits

Workmax will process the payroll benefits that have been registered with HMRC.

Processing benefits has never been easier.

Easy reporting.

Simplify the process of providing workforce benefits, ensuring accurate tax calculation and payment.

Class 1A National Insurance

Automatically calculate your Class 1A national insurance contributions. 

Wide range of benefits

Apply various employee benefits such as life insurance, medical insurance, gym memberships and many more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is expense management software and why is it important?

Expense management software automates the submission, approval, and reimbursement of employee expenses. Using software to submit and approve expenses can reduce errors, speed up reimbursement, and improve compliance.

Why use an expense management system?

Global businesses and small businesses alike benefit from automated expense management. These businesses choose expense management software for several reasons: To improve the user experience for employees submitting expenses. To reduce the amount of time employees and managers spend on expense reports. To reduce how long it takes for employees to be reimbursed for their expenses. To improve expense tracking. To improve compliance with expense reimbursement policies.