Local laws complaint

Workmax ensures peace of mind by keeping you compliant with changes in legislation and updates to tax regulations.

Stay Complaint

Automated legislation updates

Stay updated with the most recent rates, thresholds, and legislative changes.

Tax code updates

Sync with HMRC to update tax codes and receive student loan notifications.

Payday compliance

Workmax handles EPS and FPS submissions, NI contributions, and pension calculations.

24/7 back-ups

Never worry about losing your data - we will perform nightly backups.

End of the year duties

Let Workmax handle all year-end tax duties and updates for the new tax year.

Report benefits via P11D and payroll benefits

Track and manage any benefits via P11D directly in Workmax, including calculations and submission of P11D(b)s where Class 1A NICs are due. You can also payroll any Benefits in Kind (BIK).

Compliance with labour laws

Workmax eliminates the need for constant manual checks by handling accurate sick pay, variable holiday pay calculations, and ensuring workers are above the National Minimum Wage (NMW).