Add a pension scheme

  1. Sign into your account as Workmax admin.
  2. Go to the “Pensions” section.
  3. Click “Add new scheme”.
  4. Enter your pension details.
    • Pension provider name
    • Pension rule
    • Scheme eligibility for auto-enrolment
  1. Enter your provider details.
    • Account number
    • Staging date
    • Payment source (Nest)
    • Website (Optional)
    • Portal (Optional)
    • Telephone (Optional)
    • Address (Optional)
    • Payroll and Pension Data Interface Details
      • Version
      • Provider Id
      • Employer Id
    • Opt-out window.
  1. Enter your administrator details.
    • Full name
    • Email
    • Telephone (Optional)
    • Address (Optional)
  1. Click “Save & Continue
  2. Review pension scheme details
  3. Click “Save”.


Workmax will add your pension scheme, and you can create worker groups and add members to worker groups.