Add attachment of earnings order (AEO).

Add attachment of earnings order (AEO).

  1. Sign in to your Workmax admin account.
  2. Go to the “People” section.
  3. Select the Employee.
  4. Select the “AEOs” tab.
  5. Click the “Add new Aeo” button.
  6. Enter Aeo details.
    • Type
    • Reference
    • Charge admin fee
    • Issue body reference
    • Priority level
    • Notes
  1. Click the “Save & Continue” button.
  2. Enter deduction details.
    • Total amount.
    • Amount paid.
    • Received date.
    • Issue date.
    • Start date.
    • End date.
    • Deduction amount
    • Protected earnings
  1. Click the “Save & Continue” button.
  2. Enter payee details.
    • Name
    • Account name
    • Bank name
    • Branch name
    • Reference
    • Sort code
    • Account number
  1. Click the “Save & Continue” button.
  2. Review
  3. Click the “Save” button.

Workmax will be able to add the attachment of the earning order.  Workmax will process the order on the next pay run.