Edit a benefit.

  1. Sign into your account as a Workmax admin
  2. Go to the “Expenses & Benefits” section.
  3. Click the “Benefits” tab.
  4. Select benefit and click “Edit”.
  5. Enter benefit details.
    • Name
    • Declaration type
    • Type
      • Accommodation
      • Expenses Paid
        • Expense paid type.
      • Assets Transferred
        • Assets transferred description.
      • Car
        • Make
        • Model
        • Registration number
        • Date first registered.
        • List price.
        • Non-standard accessories price.
        • Approved emissions figure.
        • Fuel type.
        • Engine size.
        • CO2 emissions.
        • Employee capital contributions.
        • Zero emissions mileage.
        • Free fuel provided.
        • Cash equivalent fuel
        • Fuel reinstated.
        • Date fuel withdrawn.
      • Assets made available.
        • Assets made available description.
      • Entertainment
      • Loan
        • Starting balance.
        • Closing balance.
        • Interest paid.
        • Official interest.
        • Interest provided.
        • Number of joint borrowers
      • Medical
      • Other
      • Payments on behalf
        • Description
      • Qualifying relocation expenses
      • Services
      • Vans
        • Cash equivalent fuel
      • Vouchers


    • Benefit availability (From date and to date)
    • Annual benefit value
    • Subject to tax
    • Subject to national insurance
    • Subject to pension
  1. Click the “Save & Continue” button.
  2. Select employees to enrol to benefit.
  3. Click the “Save & Continue” button.
  4. Review benefit details
  5. Click the “Save” button.


Workmax will update benefit details.